Saturday, June 23, 2012

What one does on a Thursday evening or SCBWI Scrawl Crawl 2012

Once a year SCBWI ...ehm Europe, no I know, various chapters in the Europeish region participate in something called a Scrawl Crawl. It's a bit like a pub crawl except instead of drinking you draw, or write, or take photos, or do something creative. The idea to do it on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year is so that we can be out and about for as long as possible a scribbling away.

This year the monster of our crit group (she calls herself that) did a gargantuan job of sorting all our different needs and wants and requirements and various other things into a schedule where at various parts of the day we could drop in and scrawl. I hooked up at 5ish after a days work, and honestly I did fully intend to write... more than I did.

As it is, before my camera died I took a bunch of pictures and really this is the first time I've had a chance to play with them. The fullish story is posted on the scrawl crawl site, but to give you a little taster, here are the first three pictures.

It was also fete de la musique on Thursday, so eventually it got kind of difficult to write as all the musicians filled our creative head space with techno, rock, jazz, cacophony and our stomachs were warmed with a nice bottle of Cote de provence and Brouilly, but that's another story.


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